savin' and smilin'

Posts Tagged ‘the 6 grossest ways to save money’

review: Wallet Pop

In Uncategorized on May 2, 2009 at 11:21 pm

Searching for more financial advice on the Web? Check out Wallet Pop!

This site is simple, yet informative, and uses a bit of humor too. Most posts revolve around money — whether it’s about saving it, spending it wisely, or highlighting finance in the news — but the site also covers other topics, which are organized by tabs at the top of the page. A few include special calculators, insurance information, retirement facts and tax advice.  Wallet Pop reaches above and beyond the blogosphere by utilizing sponsors such as Lending Tree and E*Trade. But of course, sponsors never hurt a blog’s success 😉 The more interaction with other sites, the better!

One thing this blog does that a lot of developing blogs do not, including my own, is use feeds on their own site. Wallet Pop links to current interest rates, credit card rates, latest online deals, and even includes a scrolling question of the day. This aspect of the site really boosts user interaction — which is surely why this blog is so successful.

I’d have to say that my favorite post as of now is the entry titled “The 6 Grossest Ways to Save Money.” I don’t want to give away too much, but lets just say that DIY tampons and hair-spun shirts are involved.

My only criticism would be that there seems to be a lot going on on the page, and this element can sometimes be distracting. The RSS feeds are a great feature, but too much of a good thing can sometimes be a not-so-great thing. Aside from this, I enjoy the site and recommend it to other users looking to get on top of their finances. Wallet Pop uses Youtube videos, slideshows and other multimedia elements, so I doubt you would get bored too quickly on this site. I vote 4.5 stars!